2X The Orders Received In 4 Months


Double The Orders Received In The First Five Months

Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:
  • PPC sales: $4,826.10
  • PPC ACOS: 2.47%
  • Total orders received: 234
  • Total sales: $27,968.18
  Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:
  • PPC sales: $24,312.70
  • PPC ACOS: 2.39%
  • Total orders received: 505
  • Total sales: $64,912.10
  Here’s everything we did to get the results:
  • Strategic review of the competitive arena to find new opportunities for growth
  • Optimizing product detail page with SEO-rich content to enhance the customer buying experience
  • Comprehensive keyword research to facilitate the creation and optimization of ad campaigns
  • Creating of brand-specific campaigns to improve the ranking of brand-keywords
  • Micro-level bid adjustment to keep a check on ACOS
  • Negative keyword harvesting on a daily basis to cut down on waste spend